Market Information
Price Fluctuations Information Index
WTI crude oil
Rise -0.3 Rising rate -0.22%
US dollar index
Rise -0.28 Rising rate -0.28%
RMB exchange rate
Rise 0.24 Rising rate +0.11%
Shanghai Composite Index
Rise -13.03 Rising rate -0.48%
Dow Jones
Rise 297.01 Rising rate +0.72%
Supply and Demand Data
import trend of imported High temperature coal tar data
Import data of High temperature coal tar
Product Quotation date Yield
High temperature coal tar September 1, 2023 1.84
High temperature coal tar October 1, 2023 0.59
High temperature coal tar November 1, 2023 1.26
High temperature coal tar December 1, 2023 0.00
High temperature coal tar
export trend of imported High temperature coal tar data
Import data of High temperature coal tar
Product Quotation date Yield
High temperature coal tar September 1, 2023 0.01
High temperature coal tar October 1, 2023 0.00
High temperature coal tar November 1, 2023 0.01
High temperature coal tar