Market Information
Price Fluctuations Information Index
WTI crude oil
Rise -0.3 Rising rate -0.22%
US dollar index
Rise -0.28 Rising rate -0.28%
RMB exchange rate
Rise 0.24 Rising rate +0.11%
Shanghai Composite Index
Rise -13.03 Rising rate -0.48%
Dow Jones
Rise 297.01 Rising rate +0.72%
Supply and Demand Data
import trend of imported PTA Import data
Import data of PTA Import
(Unit:million tons)
Product Quotation date Yield
PTA Import September 1, 2023 0.02
PTA Import October 1, 2023 0.09
PTA Import November 1, 2023 0.01
PTA Import December 1, 2023 0.20
PTA Import January 1, 2024 0.11
PTA Import February 1, 2024 0.29
PTA Import
export trend of imported PTA Exit data
Import data of PTA Exit
(Unit:million tons)
Product Quotation date Yield
PTA Exit September 1, 2023 27.96
PTA Exit October 1, 2023 29.00
PTA Exit November 1, 2023 26.92
PTA Exit December 1, 2023 21.84
PTA Exit January 1, 2024 34.97
PTA Exit February 1, 2024 22.01
PTA Exit
On May 9, the construction project of the high-efficiency recycling demonstration line for ultra-fine-grained ilmenite of Xingmao Company passed the completion acceptance of Panzhihua Steel Co., Ltd.
The environmental assessment of Shanxi's 130,000 tons of carbon black and 150,000 tons of tar projects enters the acceptance stage
Price Index