Market Information
Price Fluctuations Information Index
WTI crude oil
Rise -0.3 Rising rate -0.22%
US dollar index
Rise -0.28 Rising rate -0.28%
RMB exchange rate
Rise 0.24 Rising rate +0.11%
Shanghai Composite Index
Rise -13.03 Rising rate -0.48%
Dow Jones
Rise 297.01 Rising rate +0.72%
Supply and Demand Data
import trend of imported Soda ash data
Import data of Soda ash
(Unit:million tons)
Product Quotation date Yield
Soda ash September 1, 2023 15.97
Soda ash October 1, 2023 15.43
Soda ash November 1, 2023 9.72
Soda ash December 1, 2023 6.57
Soda ash January 1, 2024 13.76
Soda ash February 1, 2024 18.17
Soda ash
export trend of imported Soda ash data
Import data of Soda ash
(Unit:million tons)
Product Quotation date Yield
Soda ash September 1, 2023 5.61
Soda ash October 1, 2023 5.74
Soda ash November 1, 2023 6.79
Soda ash December 1, 2023 8.55
Soda ash January 1, 2024 6.63
Soda ash February 1, 2024 5.17
Soda ash
Sanyou soda ash explores internal potential, reduces costs, strengthens management and improves benefits
Tangshan Sanyou Soda has practiced its internal skills to strengthen management, dug deep into the foundation of internal and hidden consolidation, insisted on overall planning and precise efforts, worked hard on "improving efficiency", sought practical results in "reducing costs", and took multiple measures to reduce expenditures and reduce consumption.
Price Index
Heavy sodium carbonate
Light soda ash