Market Information
Price Fluctuations Information Index
WTI crude oil
Rise -0.3 Rising rate -0.22%
US dollar index
Rise -0.28 Rising rate -0.28%
RMB exchange rate
Rise 0.24 Rising rate +0.11%
Shanghai Composite Index
Rise -13.03 Rising rate -0.48%
Dow Jones
Rise 297.01 Rising rate +0.72%
Supply and Demand Data
import trend of imported Sulfate data
Import data of Sulfate
(Unit:million tons)
Product Quotation date Yield
Sulfate September 1, 2023 2.25
Sulfate October 1, 2023 3.81
Sulfate November 1, 2023 1.42
Sulfate December 1, 2023 1.14
Sulfate January 1, 2024 2.94
Sulfate February 1, 2024 1.49
export trend of imported Sulfate data
Import data of Sulfate
(Unit:million tons)
Product Quotation date Yield
Sulfate September 1, 2023 15.37
Sulfate October 1, 2023 26.05
Sulfate November 1, 2023 35.98
Sulfate December 1, 2023 26.54
Sulfate January 1, 2024 27.26
Sulfate February 1, 2024 21.21
The method is continuously operated and highly automated, which can increase production capacity and reduce the number of equipment. At the same time, the addition of Ti3 + solution, 98% sulfuric acid and the use of steam in the bleaching stage are reduced, significantly reducing production costs.
Longbai Group Co., Ltd. obtained a project titled "A Treatment Method for Wet Desulfurization Spray Liquid to Inhibitory the Formation of Sulfur Dioxide" with authorization announcement number CN115259445B, and the application date is July 2022
Price Index