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StanfordHenry Release Time: September 6, 2024, 12:13 PM
Micro gravure coating is an advanced printing technique widely used in industries such as packaging, where precise and consistent application of coatings is essential. This process involves the use of a finely engraved metal cylinder, the gravure cylinder, which carries the coating material to the substrate in exact quantities determined by the depth of the engravings. The substrate, typically paper, plastic films, or foil, passes through nip rolls with the gravure cylinder, transferring the coating evenly. Micro gravure is particularly advantageous for its ability to apply very thin layers of coating, enhancing print quality and durability while minimizing material usage. This method is highly suitable for applications requiring high-definition prints and superior barrier properties, such as food packaging.
MaggieHarry Release Time: May 1, 2024, 1:17 AM
Needle-punched polypropylene fabric, a non-woven textile famed for its durability and versatility, is produced worldwide, with significant outputs in China, India, and the United States. These countries have advanced textile industries with substantial investments in manufacturing technologies, enabling large-scale production. China, as a global manufacturing powerhouse, leads in volume and variety, catering to both domestic and international markets. India's growing technical textile sector has made it a noteworthy player, especially for high-quality needle-punched fabrics. The United States, with its robust industrial infrastructure, focuses on innovative and specialized applications of polypropylene non-wovens, including geotextiles and automotive industries. Each country's contribution is shaped by its technological capabilities, market demands, and export potential, making the global supply chain for needle-punched polypropylene fabric diverse and dynamic.
ThomasJoyce Release Time: September 15, 2024, 11:07 AM
Yes, you can wallpaper over a wall that has been painted with emulsion paint, but certain preparations are necessary for a successful application. The first step is to ensure the painted surface is clean, smooth, and free from any flaking paint or imperfections. Washing the walls to remove dust, grime, and grease is essential, as these can interfere with the adhesion of the wallpaper. If the emulsion paint is glossy, lightly sanding the surface can help create a better grip for the wallpaper adhesive. Applying a primer or sizing is also recommended to improve wallpaper adhesion and ease future removal. Despite these preparations, keep in mind that the quality and durability of the wallpaper project might still depend on the condition of the underlying paint layer.

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