how to change tyres
EthelFrederick Release Time: June 30, 2024, 3:20 AM
    I'm a seasoned industrial engineer with a keen interest in machine learning. Here to share insights on latest industry trends.
1. Park on a flat and stable ground: Choose a safe location, preferably off the main roads. The surface should be hard and even to prevent your vehicle from tipping over when you're lifting it with a jack.
2. Engage the parking brake: This is to ensure that the car doesn’t move.
3. Loosen the lug nuts: You should do this before lifting the car. Use a lug wrench to loosen the lug nuts of the tyre you want to change but don’t remove the nuts completely.
4. Position the jack under the car: The correct spot varies depending on the vehicle. Typically it's located under the car frame alongside the tyre that’s flat.
5. Jack up the vehicle: Start lifting your car using a jack stand to ensure your car stays in the lifted position safely.
6. Fully remove the lug nuts and flat tyre: Once the car is lifted, you can unscrew the lug nuts completely and remove the flat tyre.
7. Mount the spare tyre: Position the tyre on the hub, align the rim with the lug bolts, and push the spare onto the car.
8. Screw-in the lug nuts: When the spare is on the car, you can start to screw in the lug nuts.
9. Lower the vehicle partially: Lower the vehicle until it’s just barely touching the ground in order to make sure lug nuts are really tight.
10. Fully tighten the lug nuts: When you're sure you have tightened the nuts correctly, fully lower your vehicle off the jack.
11. Check tyre pressure: Lastly, check that the tyre pressure on the new tyre is correct according to your manual before driving off.
The aforementioned process is only for short-term emergency fixes. While it's always handy to know how to change a tyre in an emergency, remember that spare tyre is not meant to replace your flat tyre permanently; it's only a temporary fix. Visit a mechanic to have the flat tyre replaced or repaired as soon as you can.
Always read your vehicle's owner's manual for specific instructions regarding how to change the tyre. Different cars have different places where the jack should be positioned.
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