how to inflate road bike tyres
AtwoodLaw Release Time: June 29, 2024, 9:49 AM
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Inflating road bike tyres is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide:
1. Find out the Right Pressure: Road bike tyres typically require a pressure of between 80 to 130 PSI (pounds per square inch), depending on the rider's weight and tyre width. The exact recommended pressure should be written on the sidewall of the tyre.
2. Get the Right Pump: Not all pumps work with all types of valves. Road bikes typically use Presta valves, which are skinnier and have a locknut at the top. You can open this by turning it counterclockwise. Get a pump compatible with this type of valve.
3. Prepare the Tyre: Unscrew the cap on the Presta valve, then unscrew the smaller top part of the valve so that air can flow freely. Most road bikes don't use Schrader valves (which are similar to car tyre valves), but if yours does, you only need to remove the cap.
4. Attach the Pump: Push the pump head onto the valve and lock it on. Depending on the pump, you may need to screw it on or it may have a switch that locks it in place.
5. Inflate the Tyre: Pump air into the tyre. Most bike pumps have built-in gauges that show you how much pressure is in the tyre. Keep an eye on this as you pump and stop once you reach the recommended pressure.
6. Remove the Pump: Carefully remove the pump from the valve, trying not to let any air escape. If your bike uses a Presta valve, don't forget to screw the small part back down and replace the cap.
7. Repeat for Other Tyre: If you have two tyres that need inflating, repeat this process for the second tyre.
Take your time and make sure to fill up your tyres accurately. Properly inflated tyres will give you a smoother ride and prevent unnecessary flats.
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