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MalcolmShaw Release Time: September 1, 2024, 5:11 AM
In the context of modifying a Toyota Prius for improved performance or aesthetics, "coating" likely refers to applying protective or decorative finishes, while "breaking" could imply modifying or altering components. Coating is generally better for most Prius owners as it enhances appearance, offers protection against environmental damage, and is reversible. Breaking modifications can lead to more significant improvements but often involve risks like voiding warranties, compromising reliability, or requiring professional installation. For those seeking minimal changes, a high-quality coating such as ceramic or paint protection film is recommended. However, enthusiasts looking for performance gains might consider carefully planned mechanical upgrades after weighing potential drawbacks.
HeloiseMatilda Release Time: July 16, 2024, 3:57 AM
Polypropylene is a type of plastic commonly used in manufacturing surgical masks, N95 respirators, and other filtration materials due to its ability to block particles and liquid droplets. Generally, polypropylene is considered safe for breathing through in the form of a mask or respirator as it does not emit toxic substances under normal environmental conditions. The material is designed to be non-irritating and non-toxic when in contact with human skin and respiratory systems. However, like with any material, it is essential to ensure that the mask is breathable and does not cause discomfort or significant respiratory restriction over prolonged use. It's also vital that the masks are free from manufacturing contaminants and are used according to health and safety guidelines to minimize any risk of inhalation of particles from the material itself. Overall, when used appropriately, polypropylene is safe and effective for filtration purposes in protective masks.
HowarBecher Release Time: August 12, 2024, 12:17 PM
To end a local hosting session started with Yarn, you need to terminate the process that launched the server. This is typically done by pressing `Ctrl + C` in your terminal or command prompt where the server was started. Yarn itself doesn't have a specific command to stop servers. However, if you're using a tool like `yarn start`, which launches a development server (common in React projects), ending the session involves killing this process. If `Ctrl + C` does not work or multiple processes are running, you can use task managers or command-line utilities such as `kill` (Unix-based systems) or `taskkill` (Windows). For example, on Unix-based systems, you can run `ps aux | grep node` to find the process ID (PID) of the server, then use `kill ` to terminate it. On Windows, you can use `tasklist | findstr node` to get the PID and `taskkill /F /PID ` to force close the process. For more sophisticated setups, consider using tools like `pm2` or `forever`, which manage Node.js applications and allow graceful shutdowns. To stop a server managed by `pm2`, use `pm2 stop `.

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