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SK Geo Centric, Kolon Industries commence biodegradable PBAT production in South Korea

 June 13, 2024


SK Inovation subsidiary announced that it will collaborate with Kolonon subsidiary Industris and SK Geocentric (SKGC) to co-commercialize an environmentally friendly biodegradable plastic, PBAT. PBAT (polybutylene terephthalate) is an environmentally friendly plastic that breaks down rapidly in nature through oxygen, heat, light, and enzymatic reactions. SK Geocentric began joint research and development with Kolonon Industries last April, signed a strategic partnership agreement last April, and in just eight months launched a commercial product, developed a prototype, and received eco-label certification (EL724). 

SK Geocentric provides PBAT with the raw materials to expand its customer base and its marketing expertise and network. SK Geocentric It is the only Korean producer of 1,4-butanediol (a key ingredient for PBAT companies) and a variety of fibers, plastics and electro-chemicals. Meanwhile, Kolon Industries has a high level of technology in the production of polyester products. It is planned to combine the technologies of both companies in terms of optimal temperature and ideal mixing ratio of raw materials to produce high-quality PBAT. based on the stable supply of raw materials for PBAT, it takes more than 100 years for ordinary plastics to decompose in the natural environment, whereas PBAT decomposes more than 90% within 6 months after landfilling. Therefore, it is an environmentally friendly plastic material. Due to its fast decomposition and high flexibility, it can be used in a variety of disposable bags and agricultural plastic covers. 

Especially when combined with other components such as hard PLA (polylactic acid) starch, it can have strength similar to that of existing plastic films such as LD and LLDPE. In addition, it has excellent printability and processing properties, and can be used for a variety of packaging applications. Because PBAT is biodegradable in natural soil, it has the potential to replace existing PE agricultural films, which are problematic due to collection issues. The Gumi plant has a PBAT capacity of 3,000 tons per year. Industry officials predict that the global PBAT market will expand from 220,000 tons in 2020 to 800,000 tons in 2025 as demand for biodegradable products will grow exponentially with increasingly stringent environmental regulations. 

SK Gocentric plans and Kolono Industries to scale up production to 60,000 tons by 2020 to meet the growing demand in the global biodegradable plastics market. Kang Dong, Vice President of SK Geocentric's Green Business Unit-"PBAT is flexible, decomposes quickly, and is environmentally friendly even when buried in the ground, so we believe it will be widely used in the future." "Producing more environmentally friendly chemical products and accelerating the "Carbon Green" strategy. Kolon Beomhanstries Head of Technology Division "We are particularly pleased to address environmental issues through the large-scale production of biodegradable plastics, as plastic waste has been identified as one of the major pollutants," said Lee " "We will accelerate our ESG management and establish ourselves as an eco-friendly company that unlocks a sustainable future. ' 

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