Hefei Feidong County starts closing down talcum powder and other polluting enterprises

 July 15, 2024

With the deepening of reform and the development of market economy, various enterprises in Qiaotou market towns have emerged rapidly. In the building materials industry, talcum powder factories and other polluting enterprises have become rampant. Although these enterprises bring certain economic benefits, they cause far-reaching harm to the living environment and human health. Therefore, creating a fresh environment and creating a green home is the general trend and imperative.

In mid-June, the People's Government of Qiaotou Town (Hefei, Anhui Province) held a meeting led by the government, including the County Land and Resources Bureau, County Environmental Protection Bureau, Qiaotou Town Land and Resources Branch, Agricultural Power Station, Hema Road, Shichang A joint closure group meeting composed of five village secretaries along the road conveyed the tasks and requirements of the county party committee for this closure work and clarified the responsibilities and tasks. It is required to do a good job in publicity, implement the leadership responsibility system, and resolutely fight the battle to maintain stability. It is also required to implement self-demolition before the end of June and complete the demolition work by the end of July. In the future, it is strictly prohibited to add talcum powder and other polluting enterprises along Hema Road and Shichang Road, and the town's investment promotion is also strictly prohibited for such polluting enterprises.

Subsequently, the joint closure team was divided into two groups and conducted interviews and transcripts of all talcum powder and other factories one by one to inform them of the spirit and unswerving determination of the closure work. A total of 92 cases were filed. record.