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China PE Futures and Spot Market Rose strongly in early July

 June 2, 2024


According to Todudu data monitoring, from July 1 to 9, the overall trend of the domestic PE spot market showed a sustained upward trend, of which LDPE rose the most, up 6.52%. Period. Although it is in the off-season of terminal demand, but due to the centralized maintenance of petrochemical equipment, the market supply pressure is not big, and some areas have been solidly supported.

In July this year, the petrochemical unit price rose. In June this year, the three major varieties of the PE spot market continued to rise and continue to rise sharply. At present, the centralized maintenance of petrochemical enterprises has not yet ended, and the daily output of petrochemical enterprises is still at a low level, with little pressure on spot supply. Petrochemical companies continue to raise ex-works prices. Due to the initial low price of raw feedstock, the price of raw feedstock is currently rising most significantly, up 250-550 yuan per ton. Rising costs have led to some growth in the market. Ship companies are in a good frame of mind to follow the trend.

PE futures continue to rise, driving the spot market up, but due to the lack of end demand, the rise is inhibited.

At present, some of the company's operations are still in a state of shutdown and maintenance, and the impact of public health events on the domestic market is limited. The downstream has gradually resumed operation and production, the start rate is significantly higher than the previous period. At present, the ex-factory prices of petrochemical products are running higher, but the futures market is no longer on an upward trend, and international oil prices have fallen sharply. This inhibits market confidence to a certain extent and strengthens the downstream wait-and-see mentality. PE market is expected to retrace in the short term, but in the long term is still expected to rise.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact toodududu (tdd-global@toodudu.com).

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