Methanol: Spot market adjustment within a narrow range, market transaction volume is limited

September 14, 2024, 4:46 PM

On September 14, the methanol market price index was 2079.71, up 0.62 from yesterday and 0.03 per cent higher than the previous month.


Outer disk dynamics:

Methanol closed on September 13:

China CFR ranges from US $285 to US $288 per ton, down US $1 per ton

Us FOB 105-106 cents per gallon, down 1 cent per gallon

Southeast Asia CFR US $344-345 per ton, Ping

European FOB 339-340 euros / ton, up 5 euros / ton.

Summary of today's prices:

Guanzhong: 2120-2160 (0), North: 2010-2040 (0), South: 2050 (0), Lunan: 2300 (0), Henan: 2240-2250 (- 5), Shanxi: 2130-2220 (- 20), Port: 2400 (5)


North Line-200-240 North Shandong (0ax 0), North Line-South Shandong 280-300 (0ax 0), South Line-North Shandong 210-255 (0ax 5), Guanzhong-Southwest Shandong 150-190 (0max 0)

Spot marketToday, the price of methanol in the market is adjusted within a narrow range. On the last day before the festival, pre-festival stock preparation was basically completed, traders and downstream users withdrew from the market for holidays one after another, and the activity of trading in the market decreased significantly. Specifically, the market prices in the main producing areas are adjusted in a narrow range, and the quotation on the southern line revolves around 2050 yuan / ton, maintaining yesterday, the quotation on the northern line revolves around 2010-2040 yuan / ton, the low end is stable, the factory's pre-festival warehouse is basically completed, and the number of new orders in the market today is limited, and most of the manufacturers' quotations are in stable operation. The market prices in Shandong, the main consumer area, are adjusted in a narrow range, with 2300 yuan / ton in southern Shandong and 2280-2300 yuan / ton in northern Shandong, with a stable low end. There are no futures guidelines on the market today, and operators have a strong wait-and-see mood, and downstream stock preparation has been completed before the Mid-Autumn Festival. The fluctuation of the market quotation in North China is limited. Hebei quotation is 2240-2270 yuan / ton today, which is stable. The pre-holiday procurement of downstream users has been basically over, and the current market negotiation atmosphere is relatively light. Shanxi quotes 2130-2220 yuan / ton today, which is approaching the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. The mentality of operators entering the market is weak.

Area2024-9-142024-9-13Rise and fall
The whole country2079.712079.090.62
North China2130-22602130-22600/0
East China2400-25302395-25305/0
South China2365-24302365-24300/0
Northeast China2380-24802380-24800/0
Central China2240-25002245-2500-5A0

Future forecast:As the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday is approaching, the replenishment and replenishment of downstream operators have basically been completed, and some traders have left the city one after another, spot prices are mostly implemented in the early stages, and the market transaction atmosphere is light. During the holiday period, there is a speed limit on some sections of the road, and Chinese manufacturers may have accumulated inventory. After the festival, the overall consumption speed of the downstream is slow, and there may be phased replenishment after the festival, but the transaction volume is still limited. The methanol market is not driven enough. At present, it is expected that the short-term methanol market price may maintain the interval fluctuation trend, but in the later stage, we should pay attention to the coal price, the operation of the plant in the field and the follow-up of downstream demand.