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(9.6-9.12) Titanium Weekly Review

September 12, 2024, 5:20 PM


Some prices of titanium ore have been slightly reduced this week, ranging from 20 yuan to 40 yuan per ton. up to now, the transaction prices of 46 miner 10 ilmenite from small and medium-sized manufacturers are 2200-2230 yuan / ton, the prices of 47-20 ilmenite are 2400-2500 yuan / ton, and the tax-free quotations for 38 titanium ore are 1570-1620 yuan / ton. The downstream market is in the doldrums, the demand for high-price ilmenite is weak, and the market transaction atmosphere is desolate. With the downward quotation of some miners in Panxi, the market inquiry has improved, but the transaction has not improved greatly, and the enterprises wait and see; while the original ore output of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is still limited, although the ore price is under pressure, the price decline may be limited, the market supply and demand game sentiment is strong, and the ilmenite price may be weakening.

The price of imported titanium ore has remained stable for the time being. so far, the price of titanium ore in Mozambique is US $370 / ton and the price of 47-49 mine in Kenya is US $360 / tonne. The downstream market is under great cost pressure, it is difficult to accept orders at high prices, and the supply of imported minerals is on the low side. Due to the shutdown of market supply and demand, imported titanium prices are expected to maintain stable operation.

Titanium slag

The market of high titanium slag is temporarily stable this week, the tender of high titanium slag of northern enterprises has been suspended this month, the downstream market continues to be weak, the start of the high slag market has declined recently, the enterprise is under great pressure, and the new unit price in the market is weak; there is an oversupply of high slag, and the price is expected to run weakly in the later period.

Acid slag market part of the price weak downward, so far, Sichuan area including tax ex-factory price in 5820-5870 yuan / ton, Yunnan area including tax factory price 4800 yuan / ton; downstream market continues to be weak, acid slag shipment pressure, Yunnan area new unit price reduction of 200 yuan / ton, while titanium ore price is high, enterprise production pressure, the market continues to be weak.

Titanium tetrachloride

Titanium tetrachloride market remains stable this week, the current titanium tetrachloride market price is 5700-6400 yuan / ton, downstream sponge titanium market starts to decline, titanium tetrachloride market supply and demand both reduced, titanium raw material cost is high, the market price is expected to remain stable.

Titanium dioxide

Individual prices in the titanium dioxide market have been slightly adjusted this week, and market sentiment has weakened. up to now, the factory price of rutile titanium dioxide in China is 14600-15600 yuan / ton, and that of anatase titanium dioxide is 13600-14000 yuan / ton. the domestic market is still in the doldrums, the support of terminal demand is weak, titanium dioxide enterprises are weak to take new orders this week, and more orders are delivered on hand. Foreign trade market support is strong, although most manufacturers withdraw from the European market, resale to other countries, but the overall international demand performance is good, manufacturers inventory pressure is not great; this month, individual enterprises have maintenance plans, but the overall market is still high, adequate supply, and the fourth quarter market off-season, demand performance is not good, market participants are mostly bearish, titanium dioxide market weak to maintain stability.

Sulfuric acid

Some prices in China's sulphuric acid market continued to decline this week. up to now, 98% of smelting acid ex-factory transaction prices are 200-300 yuan / ton in Henan, 700-870 yuan / ton in Sichuan, and 600-800 yuan / ton in smelting acid. downstream market is weak, sulfuric acid demand is reduced, market supply is sufficient, the relationship between supply and demand is gradually out of balance, factory inventory is increasing, and the new unit price is preferential. Individual acid plants are overhauled this week, but due to the obvious drop in acid prices in China, the shipping pressure of enterprises is greater, and the price of sulfuric acid is stable and weak. however, with the approach of the holiday, transportation in some areas may be restricted, and the decline in acid price may be limited in the short term, and the market is weak and stable.

Sponge titanium

This week, the sponge titanium market is weak and stable, the transaction price of level 1 sponge titanium is in 440-45000 yuan / ton, there are individual low-price transactions in the market, and the overall price is on the low side; downstream market downturn, sponge titanium shipments pressure, market transactions continue to be deserted, individual enterprises have maintenance, but the overall market is still high, sponge titanium market supply exceeds demand, the price is weak to maintain stable operation.

Future forecast:

1. The demand for titanium ore is low, and the price is weak.

2. Balance of production and marketing of titanium dioxide, weak price to maintain stable operation.

3. The supply and demand of sponge titanium is out of balance, and the price is weak and stable.