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Myanmar rubber generated US$87 million in three months, but exports fell

September 10, 2024, 8:41 AM

On September 9, according to data from agricultural managers, in the first three months of the 2024-2025 fiscal year, Myanmar has successfully exported more than 62000 tons of rubber, earning revenue of US$87 million. However, although Myanmar's rubber export target for this fiscal year is set at 300,000 tons, the current situation shows that exports have declined.

A rubber entrepreneur in Mon State revealed that border exports have almost stalled. He explained that in the past, the volume of exports through border routes was quite large, and although there were also sea transportation, it was relatively small. Today, due to the stagnation of border trade, Myanmar's rubber exports rely mainly on shipping, but this transition will not be easy. The entrepreneur said that if the trade routes could be smoother, Myanmar would be able to achieve its set rubber export goals.

Myanmar's rubber is mainly sold to China, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, India and Vietnam, of which exports to China account for as much as 75%. Rubber cultivation is mainly concentrated in southern Myanmar, especially in Mon and Kayin States, and is also cultivated in Yangon, Pago and Tindayi provinces.

According to information provided by the Myanmar Rubber Planters and Producers Association, the annual rubber output of Myanmar and China is about 200,000 tons, 90% of which is for export and the remaining 10% is for Chinese consumption. It is worth noting that in the 2023-2024 fiscal year, Myanmar's rubber exports exceeded 150,000 tons. For the 2024-2025 fiscal year, the association plans to increase its export volume to 350,000 tons. However, according to the Carbon Black Industry Network, the severity of the current export situation may pose a challenge to the realization of this goal.