China National Building Materials Glass New Materials Research Institute Group Co., Ltd. regards quality as life and unremittingly pursues excellence

September 5, 2024, 1:59 PM

Quality is the life of an enterprise and the basis for its development and growth. For a long time, China Building Materials Glass New Materials Research Institute Group Co., Ltd. (formerly Bengbu Glass Industry Design and Research Institute of the State Building Materials Bureau, formerly referred to as "Bengbu Institute", hereinafter referred to as "Academia Sinica Group") insists on using innovation chain to lead the engineering chain, using engineering chain to serve the industrial chain, and using the industrial chain to support the "three-chain integration" three-precision quality management model of the innovation chain, leading the high-quality development of enterprises with new quality productivity. It has won two China Industrial Awards and one nomination Award for China quality Award. Behind the strong quality enterprises, it is the enterprise's pursuit of excellence and unremitting efforts over the years.

As the first batch of national comprehensive first-class scientific research and design units, Academia Sinica Group has always adhered to the joint management of innovation and quality. In the mid-1960s, Bengbu Institute began to focus on float glass, and transferred researchers to participate in the float process experiment in Guanzhuang stage, and participated in the small-scale test in Zhuzhou Glass Factory and the pilot-scale test in Luoyang float Plant in 1971. In the process of tackling key problems, due to the pursuit of high quality, researchers carefully examined and checked every design link, carried out feasibility studies, and practiced on the production line, and produced high-quality and high-level design drawings. formed an effective closed loop, and finally realized the successful pull of the first piece of glass in China's Luoyang float process with the joint efforts of the team.

In order to maximize the vitality and potential of quality innovation, Academia Sinica Group pays attention to strengthening the quality promotion of basic applied research and the quality effectiveness of the transformation of innovative achievements. For more than 20 years, the scientific research team of Academia Sinica Group has adhered to the "main track" of advanced glass materials and focused on the R & D and industrialization of scientific and technological innovation achievements. to carry out the research and development, engineering and industrialization of a series of key core technologies, such as purification of siliceous raw materials, glass composition and formula design, new melting, ultra-thin molding, etc., breaking through more than 100 technical bottlenecks. We have successively developed and produced many original achievements of "China's first and the world's leading" new glass materials, and won one national technological invention award and four national scientific and technological progress awards. At the same time, the group has successfully carried out engineering and industrialization of its achievements. In leading the development of Chinese glass and participating in international competition, the group has launched the brand through innovation and become a new benchmark for high-quality development.

At present, Academia Sinica Group takes the lead in the establishment, operation and management of 12 national innovation platforms, 37 provincial and ministerial innovation platforms and 4 international R & D centers, including the State key Laboratory of float Glass New Technology and the National Glass New Materials Innovation Center, bringing together 100 doctoral innovation teams led by academicians of the two academies and national high-level talents. The national innovation platform system of new glass materials from basic research to applied research is constructed. In addition, on the road of tackling key technological problems facing the world's scientific and technological frontiers, the Academia Sinica Group has undertaken most of the national key R & D programs in the field of new glass materials in China. Among them, 2 items in the Eleventh five-year Plan, 4 in the 12th five-year Plan, 3 in the 13th five-year Plan and 3 in the 14th five-year Plan, take practical actions to promote the transformation and development of China's glass industry and science and technology to strategic industries. At present, Academia Sinica Group has won two national manufacturing championships and hundreds of provincial and ministerial awards for scientific and technological achievements, and its four enterprises have been awarded the national special new "Little Giant".

As an international platform for China Building Materials Group to focus on the technical service of glass new materials engineering, with the help of the "three-chain integration" three-precision quality management model, Academia Sinica Group has created a new model of "technology research and development + engineering service". The engineering chain is driven by technology R & D and equipment development, multi-mode EPC general contracting and comprehensive service industry chain, and higher quality iterative feedback promotes the innovation chain. Create a high-level dynamic closed loop of "R & D, design, construction, production and operation", and strive to enhance the global dominance and influence of China's new glass material industry chain supply chain.

In the process of promoting industrial internationalization and manufacturing internationalization with engineering internationalization, Academia Sinica Group has brought superior technology, superior standards and superior services to the world, independently developed high-quality float glass technology and ultra-white high-transmittance photovoltaic glass technology and complete sets of equipment, helping downstream enterprises to become the world's top automotive glass and photovoltaic glass manufacturers, supporting the great-leap-forward development of China's automobile industry and photovoltaic industry.

At present, the group's high-end glass engineering global market share of more than 65%, built China's largest export scale of float glass production line-South Korea KCC1200 ton project, a cumulative export of high-end glass production lines and related projects more than 60, developed more than 50 customers in "Belt and Road Initiative" countries and regions Continue to provide engineering services for leading enterprises such as Fuyao, Xinyi and Fulette (17.900, 0.22,1.24%), and have been listed in the "first phalanx" of ENR international engineering and design companies for many years, completely rewriting the global market pattern of glass engineering and technical services. It is precisely because of the support of the innovation chain and the engineering chain that the upstream and downstream enterprises of new glass materials further pull and drive the strong chain extension and complement chain of the new glass materials, forming a financing development model of "innovation chain sharing, engineering chain linkage, industrial chain cooperation".

Quality construction is the key to speed up the upgrading of the whole industry chain. Academia Sinica Group has created the agglomeration trend of new silicon-based materials such as China Glass New material Science and Technology Industrial Park, New display Industrial Park and High-end equipment Industrial Park. the whole industrial chain system such as new display, new energy glass, applied materials, special glass and high-end equipment has been established, and a number of major iconic core technologies and complete sets of equipment have been developed to drive more than a thousand upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain with active innovation, remarkable benefits and excellent quality. Produce synergistic radiation effect, with excellent industrial chain to promote the quality and efficiency of enterprise development.

In the field of information display materials, Academia Sinica Group has cultivated 8.5 generation TFT-LCD float glass substrate, ultra-thin electronic touch glass, 30 micron flexible foldable glass and high strength aluminosilicate glass, ensuring the strategic security of China's trillion-level information display industry. In the field of applied materials, the national manufacturing champion product electric fused zirconia has been cultivated, which has maintained the leading position in the industry and made zirconium series products occupy a place in the world; in the field of new energy materials, copper indium gallium selenium power generation glass and cadmium telluride power generation glass have been cultivated, which make China's power generation glass technology, production scale and production capacity in the forefront of the world. In the field of special glass, 5.0 neutral borosilicate medicinal glass and high borosilicate fireproof glass have been cultivated to ensure the major needs of the country and the life and health of the people; in the field of high-end equipment manufacturing, the global market share has reached 50%.

In order to meet the urgent needs of digital transformation and upgrading of the new glass materials industry, Academia Sinica Group has built the country's first AGM industrial Internet platform for the new glass materials industry, supported by industrial Internet, big data, 5G, artificial intelligence and other new generation information technology. In 2023, AGM industrial Internet platform was successfully selected as a cross-industry and cross-domain industrial Internet platform, and became the only national "double-span" industrial Internet platform in the new glass materials industry, laying a solid foundation for improving the supply chain toughness and safety level of China's new glass materials industry chain, connecting the upstream and downstream industrial chains, and promoting industrial green development. At present, the AGM industrial Internet platform has realized the connection between the upstream and downstream of the new glass material industry chain, covering the whole process from R & D and design to engineering equipment, from manufacturing to operation management and service.

Relying on the AGM industrial Internet platform, high-end equipment enterprises can introduce a number of digital management systems such as MES, 5G, Yunxing Sky ERP and Wisdom Park management to build a provincial 5G + digital workshop to realize the digitalization, networking, intelligence and greening of the production and operation of high-end equipment of new glass materials. The one-time qualified rate of the product has increased from 90.4% to 98.5%, and the production efficiency has increased by 30%. The annual production capacity and output of the workshop will be increased by more than 50%. Through digital empowering, it brings new opportunities for enterprises to promote the development of intelligent equipment.

At the same time, the AGM industrial Internet platform also provides digital and network support for the process intelligent manufacturing quality control of ultra-thin float glass, which not only automates the whole production line from mining to the production of finished products, but also can see the traceability and grade display of each glass throughout its life cycle. Through the use of core technologies and equipment such as fully automatic float glass production equipment, intelligent on-line inspection system, intelligent cutting equipment, handling robot (9.290, 0.04,0.43%), as well as DCS and PLC control systems, fully automated production of batching, melting and transportation, cutting and packaging is realized. The whole production process is controlled remotely and unmanned operation is realized. In the cold end, the cutting efficiency and finished product rate of ultra-thin float glass are greatly improved by using advanced control systems such as automatic cutting and assembly robot, and the production output is ensured.