Japan Carbon Black Association revises market demand forecast for 2024

September 5, 2024, 8:35 AM

On September 4, according to the latest data, in the first half of 2024, Japan's total production and shipments of carbon black both declined. Specifically, the cumulative output of carbon black from January to June was 268,100 tons, a decrease of 1.2% from the same period last year. At the same time, shipments also showed a decline of 4.6%, totaling 260,600 tons. In terms of international trade, Japan's carbon black exports increased slightly in the first half of this year, reaching 24,300 tons, a slight increase of 0.9%, while imports fell significantly, with cumulative imports of 53,300 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 8.4%.

According to the Carbon Black Industry Network, the Japan Carbon Black Association predicted in February this year that Japan's total demand for carbon black will reach 685,900 tons in 2024, a slight increase of 1.2% compared with the actual demand in 2023. However, as market conditions changed, the association revised its market demand forecast on August 15.

According to revised data, Japan's total demand for carbon black (including domestic demand and exports) in 2024 is expected to be 659,500 tons, a decrease of 1.6% compared with actual demand in 2023. In the specific demand classification, the demand for carbon black for tires was reduced from the original 450,800 tons to 432,500 tons, and the demand for carbon black for general rubber products was also adjusted from 146,700 tons to 138,900 tons. Demand for non-rubber carbon black increased slightly, from 39,200 tons to 39,600 tons. In addition, export volume expectations have also been lowered from 49,200 tons to 48,500 tons, and import volume expectations have been fine-tuned to 111,000 tons. This series of revisions reflects dynamic changes in market demand and the trading environment.