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Caustic soda: Spot prices continued to rise slightly in the region, and the market fluctuated downward

September 4, 2024, 5:03 PM

Analysis of caustic soda futures: On September 4, the opening price of the SH2501 contract: 2502, the highest price: 2513, the lowest price: 2451, the position: 35333, the settlement price: 2485, yesterday's settlement: 2490, down: 5, the closing price: 2465, the daily trading volume: 87807 lots, the accumulated funds: 418 million, and the outflow of funds: 14.32 million.

Market price of caustic soda:

Spot analysis of caustic soda: Today, China's caustic soda market is stable with slight increases. The market trading atmosphere has not changed much for the time being. Markets in most regions are temporarily stable. Liquid caustic soda prices have partially increased. The transaction prices of flake caustic soda have moved upwards following factory quotations. Today, some areas of the liquid soda market are up. Prices in most areas are stable, and the market transaction situation has not changed much. Judging from the price adjustment of various regional markets, 32% of ionic membrane alkali has locally increased by 10-70 yuan/ton, and other concentrations of alkali The price has remained almost stable, with no significant adjustment in the price range. Equipment production in some regions has been reduced, but the overall enterprise inventory pressure is not large, and the company's shipments are still good, which has certain support for local prices; the price of liquid alkali purchased by alumina companies in Guangxi increased in September, supporting the local market transaction price shift slightly. Markets in other regions are operating stably, the supply and demand situation has not changed much, and the price range has not changed significantly. A few upstream production companies adjusted their ex-factory quotations, and most stabilized their prices and waited and saw. Today, the price of the alkali market rose in some regions. This week, the price of new orders in the northwest region increased. The center of gravity of local transaction prices followed suit and moved upward. Prices in some regions followed suit. However, the market in most regions still had a heavy wait-and-see attitude, and the price adjustment mentality was more cautious. Still stable.

Analysis of caustic soda futures: The caustic soda SH2501 contract has declined. The night and morning trading were operating in shock, with the afternoon futures price declining relatively significantly, and a slight rebound in late trading. As of today's close, the SH2501 contract fluctuates throughout the day from 2451 to 2513, and the price difference of 62.01 contracts has been reduced by 598 lots. So far, 35333 lots have been held.

Caustic soda index analysis:According to calculations from Tu Duoduo's data, China's caustic soda index on September 4 was 2,800.29, up 18.73, or 0.673%. China's caustic soda index rose.


Forecast for caustic soda market outlook:

In terms of spot:There are still no significant changes between the supply and demand sides. The company's shipping rhythm remains at the previous level. Most devices on the supply side are operating stably, the supply of goods is relatively stable, there has been no substantial improvement in demand, and downstream wait-and-see sentiment still exists. At present, the price of liquid alkali purchased by major downstream alumina companies in Shanxi and Guangxi has been announced. The price of 50% ionic membrane liquid alkali for alumina in Shanxi has been lowered by 20 yuan/ton (discounted to 100) 2850 yuan and sent to Xiaoyi area. The price of liquid alkali ordered by alumina companies in Guangxi has increased by 50 yuan/ton to around 3250 yuan/ton, and prices have fluctuated. Recently, the wait-and-see mood in most regions of the market is still heavy, and prices have been adjusted regionally. It is expected that the short-term caustic soda market may continue to adjust regionally.

List of caustic soda positions:
