Sponge titanium: The cornerstone of high-end applications and classification mystery

Baoji Titanium Industry Research Institute
September 4, 2024, 4:46 PM

Sponge titanium, this seemingly inconspicuous light gray particle, actually contains infinite possibilities for the titanium and titanium alloy industry. Its unique fluffy and fine pore structure, like a sponge, gives it the reputation of "sponge titanium". As the basic material for titanium products and titanium powder, the quality of sponge titanium is directly related to the performance and application fields of downstream products.

In the world of sponge titanium, it is carefully divided into seven levels according to its chemical composition and Brinell hardness: level 0A, level 0, level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, and level 5. This is not only a series of cold numbers, but also an accurate positioning of the quality and use of sponge titanium.

Among them, Grade 0A and Grade 0 sponge titanium are like pearls in the crown, standing out among the others with their ultra-high purity. They are not only the darlings of high-end industrial fields, but also shine in the military and aerospace fields. Imagine that those aircraft soaring in the sky and rockets traveling through stars. Their precision parts may contain the power of Class 0A or Class 0 sponge titanium. In the medical field, high-quality titanium sponge is indispensable. They are used to make human implants, surgical equipment, etc., which is directly related to the safety of patients 'lives.

However, high quality is often accompanied by high prices. The price of grade 0A and grade 0 sponge titanium has naturally increased, becoming a scarce resource on the market. Faced with this situation, although China has made significant progress in the production of sponge titanium, there is still a certain gap with developed countries in the production of high-end sponge titanium. Therefore, it is still necessary to import some high-end titanium sponge from abroad every year to meet China's demand.

To sum up, sponge titanium is not only an important cornerstone of the titanium and titanium alloy industry, but also an indispensable and valuable material in high-end applications. With the continuous advancement of science and technology and the continuous development of the industry, it is believed that China will be able to catch up in the field of titanium sponge production and achieve a higher level of self-sufficiency.