The glass kiln project of the fifth branch company has been closed again

September 3, 2024, 4:03 PM

Recently, the second phase of the project of Changli Glass Honghu Co., Ltd. undertaken by No. 5 Branch Company, the kiln crown of Line B kiln was successfully closed, marking the phased results of the project.

Wuhan Changli Honghu Phase II Project is located in Xintan Town, Honghu City, Jingzhou City. It covers an area of approximately 1200 acres and has a total investment of 5 billion yuan. A total of two one-kiln two-line float glass production lines and deep processing lines such as coating and photovoltaic glass processing are built. The construction content of the project includes kiln steel structure manufacturing engineering, kiln steel structure installation, brick masonry engineering, fusion forming circulating water pipeline installation engineering, tin bath supply and production, tin bath installation, natural gas system production and installation engineering, electrical installation engineering, etc.

The melting furnace has high brick quality requirements, difficult masonry technology, and detailed parameters. In order to ensure its construction progress and accuracy, the project department plans in advance, scientifically organizes and makes careful arrangements. Faced with difficulties such as tight construction period, high quality requirements, and multiple cross operations, the project department personnel went into battle together, racing against time to catch up with the construction period, keeping a close eye on quality, and cooperating to ensure smooth flow. The professional staff of the kiln team strictly enforced quality standards, strictly supervised, and accurately accepted, and made every effort to ensure the smooth closing of the crown on schedule.

Next, the project department will continue to make every effort to seize the "golden period" of construction, continuously optimize the construction organization, rapidly promote the project construction and production work, and ensure the completion of the kiln steel structure of the Changli Glass Honghu Co., Ltd. project (Phase II Lines A and B) project at a node level. Target for ignition and commissioning of brick masonry engineering projects.