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Overview of semi-annual profits of CSG A, Yaopi Glass, Shandong Pharmaceutical Glass, Jinjing Technology and other enterprises

August 28, 2024, 4:03 PM

According to the semi-annual performance report released by Nanbo An on August 25, the operating income in the first half of 2024 was about 8.079 billion yuan, down 3.7% from the same period last year; the net profit belonging to shareholders of listed companies was about 733 million yuan, down 17.58% from the same period last year; and basic earnings per share was 0.24 yuan, down 17.24% from the same period last year.

Photovoltaic glass plate, in the first half of 2024, the photovoltaic market supply and demand mismatch problem is still prominent, the price of the industrial chain dropped sharply, superimposed international trade barriers and other factors, the photovoltaic industry is in a cyclical adjustment stage. South Glass An is fully committed to providing high-quality and high-performance photovoltaic glass products while improving industrial layout and promoting scale effect; while continuously promoting lean production management to improve efficiency, Nanbo A firmly implements the differentiation management strategy.

Solar energy business plate, in the first half of 2024, the solar photovoltaic plate business of Nanbo A Company was greatly affected, and the company responded actively. Through market trend research and industry development dynamic analysis, the company responded quickly to market changes, reasonably planned the company's production and operation rhythm, improved the process, improved product quality, strengthened fine management, deeply tapped the equipment potential, and comprehensively implemented the strategy of reducing cost and increasing efficiency. Effectively hedged some of the market pressure.

South Glass Group entered the photovoltaic glass manufacturing industry in 2005, as one of the earliest enterprises engaged in this field in China, the company is based on independent research and development and has formed a full closed-loop production capacity from photovoltaic glass original production to deep processing, covering 1.6-4mm deep processing products. In addition, Southern Glass Group is a pioneer in the manufacturing of photovoltaic products in China, with a complete industrial chain, covering the investment and operation of high-purity silicon, silicon wafers, battery wafers, modules and photovoltaic power stations.

The subsidiaries of the photovoltaic plate of the Southern Glass Group have fully implemented the strategic decision and deployment of the group management, and the low-load energy transformation project of the Yichang base has been carried out smoothly; the 50,000 t / a high purity silicon project of the Qinghai base is under construction as planned. after it is put into production, it will further expand the solar energy business scale of the group and enhance the overall competitiveness of the group; Dongguan base will strengthen the market development of differentiated products and increase market share. Shenzhen base continues to increase the development of power station projects.

II.On August 27th, Yaopi Glass (600819), an A-share listed company, released its semi-annual performance report for 2024. Of this total, the net profit was 62.6217 million yuan, turning losses into profits.

According to the comprehensive operation and follow-up analysis of more than 1200 financial indicators of its financial data in the current period and the past five years, the overall financial situation of Yaopi Glass in the past five years is OK according to the financial diagnosis model of flush. Specifically, the profitability is general, debt paying ability, growth ability is good, operating ability, cash flow is excellent.

A net profit of 62.6217 million yuan, turning a loss into a profit

In terms of revenue and profit, the company achieved a total operating income of 2.75 billion yuan in the reporting period, an increase of 14.84% over the same period last year, and a net profit of 62.6217 million yuan. It lost 99.1938 million yuan in the same period last year, and basic earnings per share was 0.07 yuan.

In terms of assets, during the company's reporting period, the total assets at the end of the period were 8.009 billion yuan and accounts receivable were 690 million yuan; in terms of cash flow, the net cash flow generated by business activities was 267 million yuan, and the cash received by selling goods and providing services was 3.089 billion yuan.

3.On August 27th, Shandong Pharmaceutical Glass (600529), a listed company with A shares, released its semi-annual performance report for 2024. Of this total, the net profit was 475 million yuan, an increase of 23.26% over the same period last year.

According to the comprehensive operation and follow-up analysis of more than 1200 financial indicators of its financial data in the current period and the past five years, Shandong Yaobo has a good financial situation in the past five years according to the financial diagnosis model of flush. Specifically, the operating ability and growth ability are excellent, and the solvency, asset quality and profitability are good.

Net profit 475 million yuan, an increase of 23.26% over the same period last year

In terms of revenue and profit, the company achieved total operating income of 2.586 billion yuan during the reporting period, an increase of 6.75% over the same period last year, and a net profit of 475 million yuan, an increase of 23.26% over the same period last year, with basic earnings per share of 0.72 yuan.

In terms of assets, during the company's reporting period, the total assets at the end of the period were 9.891 billion yuan and accounts receivable were 971 million yuan; in terms of cash flow, the net cash flow generated by business activities was 589 million yuan, and the cash received by selling goods and providing services was 2.605 billion yuan.

On the evening of August 19, Jinjing Science and Technology released its semi-annual report for 2024. According to the announcement, the company's operating income from January to June was 3.55 billion yuan, down 4.44 percent from the same period last year, and its net profit was 275 million yuan, up 5.23 percent from the same period last year.

During the reporting period, the company adhered to the differentiated business strategy, gave full play to the company's unique technological advantages and industry experience, accelerated the transformation and upgrading to high-end, intelligent and green, and continuously optimized the product structure. by introducing and independently developing industry-leading high value-added products, the company's sales gross profit margin increased by 3.23 percentage points to 20.09% compared with the same period last year.

The company's construction and energy-saving glass business covers sub-varieties such as raw glass sheets and Low-E energy-saving glass, with a daily melting volume of nearly 7000 tons (including ultra-white glass) calculated based on equity caliber. During the reporting period, the company optimized the product structure of each production line, focusing on improving the first-class product rate while stabilizing the finished product yield. Ultra-white products focus on the production of 15mm-19mm ultra-large thick plates to stabilize quality and reduce the proportion of by-products, and improve comprehensive profitability; coating products stabilize the production process, focusing on solving differentiated quality needs of products in the three major market segments of automobile, mirror manufacturing and industry., reduce the proportion of by-products caused by quality fluctuations, and improve order delivery and single-line profitability. On the sales side, the company further promotes differentiated marketing, clarifies the product positioning of each production line, and improves the profitability of differentiated marketing of products; at the same time, it increases research and judgment on market trends and gradually reduces overdue inventory products.

It is worth mentioning that the company continues to leverage its advantages in the field of ultra-white glass and break through technical barriers. On July 21, the longest and largest known glass in the world was rolled off the production line at Jinjing Technology's Zibo High-tech Zone factory. It is 26 meters long, 3.66 meters wide, and has an area of 95 square meters. It is called the "Glass King" in the industry. Ultra-white glass has the advantages of less impurities, low self-explosion rate, and high light transmittance, so its application trend in large buildings has become increasingly obvious. The increase in glass length puts forward higher requirements for the stability of the production line. Data shows that since 2008, most of the world's ultra-long, ultra-large and ultra-white glass manufacturing records have been maintained by Jinjing Group. At present, Apple Mobile's Shanghai flagship store, Beijing City Library, Beijing Taikang Building, Guangzhou Guangshang Center, and the super project Saudi Arabia's New Future City under construction all use ultra-long, ultra-large and ultra-white glass produced by Jinjing Group.

In order to better serve the green energy field and provide industrial support for photovoltaic crystal silicon modules and thin film modules, Jinjing Technology is actively deploying photovoltaic glass production lines outside China. Ningxia Jinjing's solar photovoltaic lightweight panel products will begin to supply module leaders LONGi, Jinghua, Chint, Yingli, Jinneng, etc. in 2022. In 2023, Jinjing Technology and Ningxia Jinjing will be rated as national green factories.

During the reporting period, while Ningxia Jinjing Photovoltaic Glass maintained stable process, it strengthened the standardization of production processes, and also increased the development of new customers to reserve customer resources in advance for the release of future project production capacity. 1-6 In September, Ningxia Jinjing achieved operating income of 431 million yuan and net profit of 15.2601 million yuan.

At the same time, Malaysia Jinjing continues to provide good services to major customers, reduce costs and increase efficiency, and ensure the stability of operations. From January to June, Jinjing Malaysia achieved operating income of 286 million Malaysian ringgit and net profit of 38.662 million Malaysian ringgit.

Jinjing Technology said that in recent years, the company has taken the lead in developing and producing ultra-white glass, TCO glass and other products in China, leading the development trend of the industry. In the future, the company will continue to expand and extend the industrial chain, use the differentiated advantages of glass products to integrate industries, transform from traditional industries to green energy and green building tracks, and create a complete and efficient industrial chain.