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Jinjing Technology's profit quality in the first half of the year increased steadily, and the "Glass King" went offline to demonstrate its scientific and technological strength

August 21, 2024, 4:00 PM

Recently, Jinjing Technology released its 2024 semi-annual financial report, with numerous data highlights. During the reporting period, the company achieved operating income of 3.55 billion yuan and net profit attributable to the parent company of 275 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.23%. The gross profit margin and net profit margin increased to 20.09% and 7.83% respectively. At the same time, cash flow remained abundant, the debt structure was balanced and stable, and inventory management was optimized, laying a financial foundation for the company's sustainable development. Just recently, the world's longest and largest known glass product was successfully rolled off the production line in Zibo. This milestone achievement is a strong proof of the company's innovation capabilities and manufacturing strength.

Jinjing Technology's core business focuses on the glass field. Since 2020, its glass business has shown a steady growth trend. In the first half of this year, this business segment achieved operating income of 2.308 billion yuan, which was basically the same as the same period last year, accounting for 65.01% of the company's total revenue. The glass business accounts for more than 60%, and the entire industry chain of "mining/soda-glass deep processing" has obvious advantages, demonstrating its position in the company's strategy.

What is striking is that Jinjing Technology has made another milestone achievement in the field of technological innovation-the successful launch of the world's longest and largest glass product. This product was born in Zibo High-tech Zone, with a length of 26 meters, a width of 3.66 meters, and a total area of 95 square meters. It is known as the "King of Glass." This feat is not only a demonstration of Jinjing Technology's ultra-white glass production technology, but also a proof that the company has accurately captured the market demand for large size and high-quality glass. Looking to the future, Sun Chenghai, general manager of Jinjing Technology, said that the company will closely follow changes in market demand, continue to break through technical boundaries, and is confident to continue to set a new record in the glass manufacturing industry.