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Longbai Group signs new project to expand the "territory" of western titanium industry

Henan daily
July 22, 2024, 3:17 PM

On July 5, at the 30th Lanzhou Fair Jinchang Investment Investment Project Signing Conference held in Lanzhou, Gansu, Longbai Group and Jinchang City signed a contract for the second phase of synthetic rutile project of Gansu Baililian Chemical Co., Ltd. to further expand the region's titanium industry "map".

Titanium dioxide is the leading product of Longbai Group. It is widely used in many industries such as coatings, molding, papermaking, printing, and cosmetics. Its production capacity currently ranks first in the world. Synthetic rutile is the base material for the production of titanium dioxide.

After Longbai Group settled in Jinchang City in 2020, it has successively launched the first phase of synthetic rutile project and the construction of a 30,000-ton/year rotor-level titanium sponge project, both of which have been included in the list of key construction projects in Gansu Province.

After the synthetic rutile project is completed, synthetic rutile and ferrous sulfate will be produced using sulfuric acid resources as a by-product of smelting and waste chlor-alkali carbide slag, which can provide sufficient raw materials for projects with an annual output of 30,000 tons of high-quality titanium sponge and promote the creation of a complete titanium industry chain and build a competitive titanium industry base in the western region.

He Furen, Chairman of Longbai Group, introduced that the group will join forces with local enterprises to achieve industrial grafting, effectively solve the problems of waste and by-treatment and comprehensive utilization that have plagued Jinchang City for many years, and lay a solid foundation for the group to promote the development of the titanium industry on a low-cost, high-growth track.