Tu Duoduo PVC Industry Monthly-No. 202403

March 28, 2024, 4:29 PM
1. Analysis of China's PVC market 1
1. Overview of China's PVC market 1
2. Market analysis of China's mainstream consumer regions 1
3. Future outlook forecast 2
4. Comparison of current basis differences in PVC period 2
5. Daily PVC warehouse receipt 2
6. Long and Short Positions Dragon and Tiger List (February 28) 4
7. China PVC Index 4
8. Market price of PVC (powder) this month 5
2. Analysis of PVC import and export, output, operating rate, and inventory 6
1. Analysis of PVC import and export in 2023 6
2. Analysis of PVC output 8
3. PVC operating rate statistics 8
4. PVC inventory 9
3. List of equipment conditions of production enterprises this month and statistics on maintenance losses 10
1. List of equipment conditions of production enterprises 10
2. Statistics of maintenance losses 10
IV. Key analysis of related chlor-alkali products 11
1. Calcium carbide 11
2. Crude oil 11
5. Analysis of international market prices 12
1. International VCM market price this month 12
2. International PVC market price this month 12

3. List of ethylene prices this month 13

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