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Analysis of edible and industrial ethanol and fuel ethanol production in July 2023

August 1, 2023, 3:04 PM

In July 2023, China produced about 393300 tons of edible and industrial ethanol, with a decrease in edible ethanol and an increase in coal ethanol production. Of these, the northeast corn ethanol production was 47.39% 163400 tons, down 8600 tons from the previous month, while the cassava ethanol production in East China was 32.60%, and the output was about 88400 tons, down 18800 tons from the previous month. The output of coal-based ethanol was about 57900 tons, an increase of 46500 tons over the previous month. Fuel ethanol produced 292000 tons in July.


By the end of the month, the normal production of fuel in four factories in Heilongjiang Hongzhan was mainly fuel production. Bayan plant was put into production on July 5, increasing the output by 900t / d (food + fuel), and the first phase of Laha plant was put into production on July 20. increase the output of 900t / day (food + fuel); Wanli Runda began to stop production at the end of the month, with a daily reduction of 1500 tons, a total reduction of 22500 tons (food + fuel) Cofco began to shut down and put into production at the end of July, with a daily reduction of 1000 tons, a total reduction of 15000 tons (food + fuel); Baoquanling plant shutdown, friendship shutdown, Sheng long stopped feeding on July 19th. Jilin Tianyu plant stopped putting into operation on July 21, the output was reduced by 5000 tons in July and is expected to be reduced by 10000 tons in August. Fukang production is stable, Dongfeng plant shutdown inventory sales, New Tianlong returned to full production on July 15, with a daily increase of 450t, a total increase of 6750 tons. Fuyu Huihai device is normal. Liaoyuan Jufeng plant resumed in early July, but the early quality was unstable and the daily fuel output increased by 500 tons / day. Ruiyang, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia was put into production on July 4, and Zhalantun produced the product around July 6. The plant in eastern and southern Jiangsu was shut down, and the plant in Changxing was shut down around July 21, with a daily reduction of 200t at the general level, with a total reduction of 2000 tons in July. the flower hall in northern Jiangsu maintained half-load production, Longhe plant stopped feeding on July 3, and a total reduction of 5600 tons in July, Rometson shutdown, Guannan shutdown, Dongcheng shutdown, Jin Changlin shutdown, suol plant stopped feeding on July 3. Guohua resumed around July 10, Shandong Fulaichun shutdown, Zhenlong shutdown, Yingxuan about July 25 feeding, Zhongyu, Guanxian Xinrui, canal wind normal, Jinyimeng normal. Anhui COFCO is normal, May and Spring equipment is down, and Wanshen device is restored after a short stop at the beginning of the month. High-grade factories in Mengzhou, Henan Province, maintain half-load production in the second ten days of the month. Except that the production of coal-based ethanol in Shaanxi Province has been reduced for about a week, it has been in full production at other times. Henan factory maintains low load. At the end of the month, the rotation inspection of the fuel ethanol plant in Jilin began, and a plant in Heilongjiang began to stop feeding, resulting in a decline in fuel production.

News from the supply side in August: the 500000 tons / year plant in Fukang, Northeast Jilin Province was shut down on August 10th, with a daily reduction of 1600 tons per day. East China North Jiangsu Longhe, Luomai unique start-up plan, East and South Jiangsu Changxing has a start-up plan. Some factories in Mengzhou, Henan Province have maintenance plans, which are expected to take about 15 days. In terms of fuel ethanol, Henan Tianguan has plans to start construction at the beginning of August, and it is possible for a certain production in Heilongjiang to recover.