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Analysis of China's ethanol market before the holiday

June 21, 2023, 11:47 AM


The ethanol market, which has continued to fall, has finally ushered in a little bit of stars. Prices in some regions of the Chinese ethanol market rose slightly before the holiday. Equipment maintenance of the main production companies in Northeast China is approaching, and the news is positive and the food output is reduced. Because large orders can be negotiated, the order signing of low-cost manufacturers is still good, and the warehouse layout is obvious, and the company's quotations remain stable. Consumption consumption in East China has decreased. Downstream chemicals have just needed to purchase, and transaction prices have increased slightly. Freight rates have increased slightly, making it difficult to find low-priced cars, and the cost of delivery has increased. In terms of fuel, prices rose slightly after the news of company maintenance was released, and prices stabilized. The receiving prices of downstream and two oils were slightly restored in the region. The receiving prices of local refineries remained stable, as higher freight rates compressed traders 'profits. In terms of coal-based ethanol, the equipment of some companies is unstable, and the transaction situation before the holiday is fair. The price range fluctuates little, and the output of coal-based ethanol will increase in the short term. On the downstream side, construction of chemical ethyl acetate has increased slightly, shutdown companies are about to resume, consumption has increased, construction of ethyl methyl carbonate has increased slightly, and major liquor manufacturers just need to purchase.