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Releasing RCEP policy dividends helps "Mianzhu Manufacturing" move towards a broader international stage

June 16, 2023, 10:04 AM
RCEP is the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, which establishes a free trade agreement for a unified market for 15 countries by reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers.

As the first approved RCEP exporter of a private enterprise in Deyang City, Longbai Sichuan Titanium Industry Co., Ltd. can independently issue a declaration of origin, which is equivalent to the certificate of origin issued by the customs. Such "convenience" greatly reduces the trade costs of enterprises, improves customs clearance efficiency, and is conducive to enhancing the international competitiveness of titanium dioxide.

On the afternoon of June 12, at Longbai Sichuan Titanium Industry Co., Ltd., the factory area was busy. In the automated packaging workshop, bags of titanium dioxide were filed out of the machine; outside the warehouse, bags of titanium dioxide were being loaded and will soon be sent abroad...

"At present, we still have two R-996 orders for export to Japan that are being stepped up and are expected to be issued by the end of June." Yin Lihua, deputy general manager of Longbai Sichuan Titanium Co., Ltd., said that thanks to the continued release of RCEP policy dividends, the company's order volume has continued to rise, showing a good momentum of booming production and sales.

According to Yin Lihua, Longbai Titanium Industry can independently issue a declaration of origin, flexibly and quickly arrange the production and export of goods in accordance with the corresponding free trade agreements, enjoy the superposition of tariff preferences and policy dividends of high-level customs certification enterprises, and further reduce business operations. Cost, enhance competitiveness in the international market.

"More than half of the company's products are sold to more than 100 countries and regions around the world, and exports account for 13% of the country's titanium dioxide exports and 60% of Sichuan Province. The export volume is far ahead of its Chinese counterparts." Yin Lihua said that Longbai Titanium is not only a "sample import and export enterprise in Sichuan Province", but also a local enterprise with the largest number of RCEP certificates in Deyang Pass. Eleven of the 15 member states of RCEP are the main export markets of Longbai Titanium. From January to May this year, Longbai Titanium Industry issued 86 RCEP certificates, accounting for 53.75% of the total number of RCEP certificates issued in Deyang Pass District, with a visa amount of US$6.7722 million, accounting for 70.74% of the total amount of RCEP certificate visas in Deyang Pass District.

"This year, Longbai Titanium Industry's titanium dioxide export volume is expected to be approximately 146,000 tons, with a total export volume of 2.35 billion yuan." Yin Lihua said that in the future, Longbai Titanium Industry will optimize the layout of the industrial chain and supply chain, make good use of the RCEP policy dividends, continue to explore the RCEP market, further enhance international competitiveness and influence, release new development vitality, and contribute to the high-quality development of Mianzhu local economy. Greater contribution.

According to reports, since the implementation of RCEP, Deyang Customs has comprehensively interpreted and implemented tariff concessions and rules of origin under RCEP through various channels and forms, promoted the application of convenient visa measures such as intelligent origin review and self-service printing, and promoted the jurisdiction's imports and exports to RCEP member states have increased significantly. Under the guidance of Deyang Customs, Mianzhu will further guide foreign trade enterprises in the jurisdiction to make full use of RCEP to expand exports and reduce costs when RCEP is fully effective, continue to cultivate RCEP approved exporters, maximize the release of RCEP policy dividends, and promote "Mianzhu Manufacturing". Move towards a broader international stage.