Tu Duoduo Polyethylene PE Industry Weekly-No. 20240912
During the week, the spot market was weakened, and international oil prices reached a low level in nearly a year and a half.
September 12, 2024
Tu Duoduo Polypropylene PP Industry Weekly-No. 20240912
During the week, the spot market was stable and weak and then slightly improved, and most production companies reduced their load operations.
September 12, 2024
Tu Duoduo Polyethylene PE Industry Weekly-No. 20240905
During the week, the spot market price adjustment directions were in different directions, and PE output hit a monthly low during the week.
September 5, 2024
Tu Duoduo Polypropylene PP Industry Weekly-No. 20240905
Spot prices fell four consecutive times during the week, and downstream demand recovered less than expected.
September 5, 2024
Tu Duoduo Polyethylene PE Industry Weekly-No. 20240822
Spot prices rose and fell during the week, and the high-pressure market stood alone
August 22, 2024
Tu Duoduo Polypropylene PP Industry Weekly-No. 20240822
Spot prices were adjusted back during the week, and the main futures contracts were shifted to the month
August 22, 2024
Tu Duoduo Polypropylene PP Industry Weekly-No. 20240815
Spot prices rose first and then fell during the week, and PP's temporary shutdown device slightly eased supply pressure.
August 15, 2024
Tu Duoduo Polyethylene PE Industry Weekly-No. 20240815
Spot prices were generally weak and consolidating during the week, and PE production increased by 2.65% compared with last week.
August 15, 2024
Tu Duoduo Polyethylene PE Industry Weekly-No. 20240808
Spot prices diverged during the week, with the market continuously weakening and supply recovering sharply
August 8, 2024
Tu Duoduo Polypropylene PP Industry Weekly-No. 20240808
During the week, spot prices continued to fall, the market continued to decline, and the market conditions were weak and consolidated
August 8, 2024