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Jinpu Titanium Industry (000545.SZ): In view of the current market situation, the progress of the iron phosphate plant in the new energy project has slowed down, and the sulfuric acid plant is advancing as planned.

interface news
May 30, 2024, 4:28 PM

Jinpu Titanium Industry (000545.SZ) released news on May 29th, 2024, Jinpu Titanium Industry accepts institutional research, Board Secretary: Xin Yi; Chief Financial Officer: Xing Yi; Securities Affairs Representative: Shi Yike participated in the reception and answered the questions raised by the research organization.

The main contents of the survey are:

Questions raised by investors and company responses

The company responded to the questions raised by investors at the briefing:

1. Excuse me, how can companies reduce costs in order to improve profitability?

Hello! The company will reduce the energy consumption and pressure drop production cost in the production process through the transformation of energy-saving technology, and improve labor productivity and profitability through efficient management and intelligent level. Thank you for your attention!

2. Excuse me, how can the depressed face value of the company improve the return of the stock price to shareholders?

Hello! The company will strengthen the main business, reduce costs and increase efficiency, extend the industrial chain, and actively transform, strive to improve efficiency and return to the majority of shareholders. Thank you for your attention!

3. May I ask whether the new energy investment will continue, and how will the company raise investment funds after the additional issuance is withdrawn?

Hello! According to the current market situation of ferric phosphate, the construction of ferric phosphate plant in the company's new energy project slows down, and the construction of sulfuric acid plant is carried out as planned. After the withdrawal of additional issues, the company will expand financing channels and actively seek low-cost bank loans. Thank you for your attention!

Excuse me, how is the company's sales in the first half of the year? How's the exit? Thank you

Hello! The company is full of production and sales in the first half of the year, and the export orders are stable and sufficient. Thank you for your attention!

5. Has Cangzhou Dahua made the advance payment to the payment company?

Hello! The main investor of Canghua project is Nanjing Jinpu Dongyu Investment Co., Ltd.

In March 2024, Nanjing Titanium dioxide Chemical Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jinpu Titanium Industry, sold all its shares in Jinpu Dongyu. According to the agreement, if the 1.26 billion yuan contract dispute between Jinpu Dongyu and Zhongnonghua can be recovered, the recovered amount will be allocated to Nanjing titanium dioxide according to the proportion of Jinpu Dongyu's capital contribution held by Nanjing titanium dioxide (31.82%). The controlling shareholder Jinpu Group provides joint and several guarantee liability for payment obligations. Thank you for your attention!

6. Excuse me, is it a coincidence that Jinsha Rubber has been losing money after M & An and making a profit before M & A, or is it a coincidence that the management management needs to be improved?

Hello! The main reason for the sharp decline in the net profit of 2023 annuity Puyingsa is that the new equipment of NBR is put into production and is eager to occupy the market. The price of NBR has a great impact on the market, while downstream customers have a great impact on the market due to the reduction of export orders and poor sales. demand continues to be weak, resulting in increasingly fierce price competition and a substantial reduction in product profits. Thank you for your attention!

7. Hello, Secretary Dong. Where is the next step of the company? How is the new energy project going? How to solve the financial dilemma? How was the profit in the first half of this year?

Hello! The company will focus on improving operation and management, increasing scientific and technological innovation, speeding up transformation, reducing costs and increasing efficiency. In view of the fact that the progress of the ferric phosphate plant in the new energy project has slowed down, the sulphuric acid plant has been promoted as planned. The company can improve its financial situation by speeding up the disposal of inefficient assets, reducing operating costs, expanding financing channels and improving profitability. The company will disclose the semi-annual report on time, please pay attention to investors!

8. May I ask the Chief Financial Officer whether the current stock price represents the investment value of the company?

Hello! The stock price of the company represents the investment value of the company to a certain extent, but it is not completely equal to the actual value of the company. Stock price is an embodiment of the value of a company, which represents the ownership and income rights of shareholders to the company, so the value of the company determines the price of the stock to a great extent. The company is working hard to enhance the value of the enterprise by focusing on the main business, strengthening cost reduction and efficiency, improving operation and management, and enhancing the core competitiveness of products. Thank you for your attention!

9. Hello, Jinpu Titanium Co., Ltd. has lost money for two years in a row. can it turn a loss into a profit this year?

Hello! The company takes "specialization, refinement, characterization and novelty" as the requirement of management development, focuses on the main industry, strengthens cost reduction and efficiency, improves operation and management, increases the intensity of scientific and technological innovation, and increases the proportion of high value-added products. improve the application performance of high-grade paint, plastic color masterbatch, ink and paper special products, enhance the core competitiveness of products, and strive to improve enterprise efficiency. Thank you for your attention!