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Tdd-global Methanol Industry Weekly-No. 20231221

December 21, 2023, 5:16 PM
1. Methanol market analysis this week 1
1.1 Methanol market analysis 1
1.2 Comparison of methanol prices in major regions in China this week 2
1.3 This week's international methanol price trend chart 4
1.4 Analysis of the price trend of methanol futures market this week 4
2. Statistics on plant operation and operating rate in China's methanol industry this week 5
2.1 Maintenance situation of Chinese methanol manufacturers 5
2.2 Operation of international methanol plants 5
2.3 Statistics on operating rate of methanol manufacturers 7
2.4 Statistics on start-up of methanol industry 7
3. Methanol port inventory statistics this week 8
4. China's MTO/P units and profit and loss analysis 9
4.1 Analysis of MTO/P unit operation 9
4.2, MTO/P profit and loss analysis 10
5.1 Crude Oil Market Analysis 10
6. Market analysis of methanol downstream products 10