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Breakthrough! Hunan rubber and plastic new fillers replace more than 60% of carbon black

October 17, 2024, 8:31 AM

On October 16, it was reported that recently, the final of the "Changsha Bank Cup" 2024 Hunan Province Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Disruptive Technology Innovation Competition came to a successful conclusion. The final was successfully held in Yiyang, attracting the participation of many innovative projects. During the two-day fierce competition, 23 outstanding players who stood out from 142 disruptive technological innovation projects held a final showdown. Among them, Hunan Rubber and Plastic Sealing Parts Factory Co., Ltd., relying on its original new bio-based rubber reinforcing filler technology, made its mark among many contestants and successfully won the third place.

This competition not only demonstrated Hunan Province's strong strength in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship, but also highlighted Hunan Rubber and Plastic's outstanding achievements in technological innovation. It is reported that the new bio-based rubber reinforcing filler technology developed by the company aims to solve the current problems of high cost of carbon black and serious environmental pollution in the production of rubber products. This technology has successfully developed a new filler that can replace traditional carbon black by innovatively using clay to treat black liquor produced in the papermaking and pulping process.

According to the Carbon Black Industry Network, this new filler has been proven to be able to replace at least 60% of carbon black in experiments, which not only achieves full treatment and zero emissions of papermaking black liquor, but also greatly reduces production costs. In addition, the application of this technology will also help reduce the rubber industry's dependence on petrochemical resources, bringing significant procurement cost reductions to the rubber products industry. Therefore, this project is an important milestone in both the paper and rubber products industries.

Looking to the future, the new bio-based rubber reinforcing filler technology has a market potential of approximately 14 billion yuan in the rubber products industry, and its market prospects are very broad. This innovative achievement of Hunan Rubber and Plastic Sealing Parts Factory Co., Ltd. will undoubtedly bring new development opportunities to the entire industry and promote the green and sustainable development of rubber product production.