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China Southern Glass builds new productivity in the industry with green and low-carbon

August 27, 2024, 9:40 AM

In recent years, China Southern Glass Group has actively responded to the national green development and "double carbon" strategic goals. On the one hand, it has provided energy-saving glass and solar photovoltaic products to the society through technological innovation; on the other hand, it has strengthened the comprehensive utilization and management of resources and energy to achieve Green production that saves energy, reduces emissions, and reduces carbon; practices high-quality and sustainable development in the dual dimensions of product and production.

Environmental protection is the lifeline for the survival and development of glass companies, and a concentrated expression of corporate social responsibility in high-energy-consuming industries. China Southern Glass Group has always regarded green development as one of its core advantages and led the industry to achieve progress in green production methods. As early as more than ten years ago, when heavy oil was still widely used as kiln fuel in the industry, CSG was the first in the industry to use natural gas in all furnace production lines. At the same time, CSG was also the first in the industry to adopt waste heat power generation and distributed photovoltaic power generation. Comprehensive utilization of energy is achieved through comprehensive treatment of tail gas such as desulfurization, denitrification and dust removal, ultra-low emissions are achieved, far below the national standard pollutant emission values. With the promotion of the goal of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" and the continuous optimization of environmental protection policies, the company, as a pioneer in green development in the industry, has won broad development space for itself.

As of the first half of 2024, CSG has 9 subsidiaries rated as national-level "green factories", actively promoting the energy consumption per unit of its various products and carbon emissions per unit of product to reach industry-advanced levels. At present, the energy consumption levels of most glass furnaces in CSG's flat glass business have reached the advanced level stipulated by the national standard. The subsidiaries Wujiang CSG Glass Co., Ltd. and Xianning CSG Glass Co., Ltd. have been rated as the "leaders" in energy efficiency in the flat glass industry by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Hebei CSG Glass Co., Ltd. was designated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as a "experimental field" to implement the carbon peak implementation plan, and has become a carbon peak pilot enterprise in the building materials industry. Relevant subsidiaries actively participate in the regional carbon trading pilot market and strive to achieve a carbon quota calculation method that matches the actual production of enterprises. In 2023, they will be included in emission control enterprises, and the overall emissions and quotas are basically the same. In 2023, China Southern Glass Group's waste heat power generation and photovoltaic power generation will total approximately 502 million kWh, equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 286,300 tons. In the first half of 2024, CSG's waste heat power generation and photovoltaic power generation totaled approximately 265 million kWh, equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 151,200 tons.