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The solution polymerized styrene butadiene rubber process package jointly developed by the Petrochemical Institute and Lanzhou Huanqiu passed the review

June 27, 2023, 9:07 AM

On June 26, it was reported that recently, the "2* 60,000 tons/year solution polymerized styrene butadiene rubber process package" jointly developed by the China Petroleum and Petrochemical Institute (Sinopec) and Lanzhou Huanqiu Engineering Co., Ltd.(Lanzhou Huanqiu) has passed the expert review of Guangxi Petroleum Petrochemical Company (Guangxi Petrochemical) and provided technical support for Guangxi Petrochemical's refining and chemical transformation and upgrading projects.

It is understood that the "2* 60,000 tons/year Solution-polymerized SBR Process Package" is specially developed to meet the urgent needs of new energy vehicle tires for functionalized Solution-polymerized SBR, and is mainly based on functionalized grades. This technology has passed the expert review of the China Chemical Industry Society in 2022 and is qualified for promotion and application. After many exchanges and communications between the Petrochemical Institute and Lanzhou Huanqiu and Guangxi Petrochemical, they finally decided to apply the process package to Guangxi Petrochemical's refining and chemical integration transformation and upgrading project.

At the review meeting, technical staff from the Petrochemical Institute and Lanzhou Huanqiu jointly introduced the composition of the process package document, process flow, design considerations, and start-up and shutdown operations. Experts participating in the meeting conducted a detailed review of the process package and held a full discussion. It is understood that after unanimous recognition by experts, they believe that the content and depth of the "2* 60,000 tons/year Solution-Polymerization SBR Process Package" jointly developed by the Petrochemical Institute and Lanzhou Huanqiu are basically in line with Q/SY1802 -2015 "Code for the Compilation of Process Design Packages for Petroleum Refining and Chemical Equipment", and meet the design requirements of Guangxi Petrochemical's 120,000 tons/year Solution-Polymerization SBR Plant Project.

After the review meeting, all parties unanimously stated that they would advance the revision and improvement of the process package as soon as possible in accordance with the opinions of experts. At the same time, they also arranged the next step of work, including the formulation of the final process package, Hazop analysis and basic design, to meet the construction needs of Guangxi Petrochemical Refining and Chemical Transformation and Upgrading Equipment. This achievement will further promote the development of China's new energy vehicle tire industry and provide strong support for the transformation and upgrading of Guangxi Petrochemical.