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Phosphate Fertilizer Daily Review: Market purchasing sentiment, general prices continue to be deadlocked (December 7)

December 7, 2023, 4:36 PM

Monoammonium phosphate price index:

According to Feiduo data, on December 7, the 55% powder index of China's monoammonium phosphate was 3,455.00, stable; the 55% particle index was 3,400.00, stable; and the 58% powder index was 3,683.33, stable.



Monoammonium phosphate market analysis and forecast:

Today, the market price of monoammonium phosphate in China continues to remain stable. In terms of factories, most factories can still hold on when they are ready, but no new prices have yet been available, and prices are currently stabilizing; a few companies have reduced their orders and prices have dropped slightly, but the trading of new orders is still weak. At present, manufacturers basically have no quotations, and they all maintain on-demand negotiations and negotiate actual transaction orders. In terms of the market, the overall trend of monoammonium is still weak, with insufficient new orders being sold, and the market wait-and-see atmosphere is strong. In terms of supply, with the continuous resumption of production of units last month, the capacity utilization rate of the monoammonium industry is relatively high, and the market supply is sufficient. In terms of demand, downstream demand is weak, follow-up of new orders is limited, and procurement is more wait-and-see. In terms of raw materials, the price of synthetic ammonia continued to rise slightly, the prices of raw materials phosphate rock and sulfur remained stable, and the prices of raw materials were adjusted within a narrow range. On the whole, the market demand for monoammonium is on the sidelines, with factories receiving a small amount of orders. It is expected that the market price of monoammonium phosphate will be slightly consolidated in a short period of time.

Specific market prices in each region are as follows:


Diammonium phosphate price index:

According to Feiduo data, on December 7, the 64% particle index of China's mainstream diammonium phosphate was 3,880.00, stable; the 60% brown index was 3,620.00, down; and the 57% content index was 3,602.50, down.



Diammonium phosphate market analysis and forecast:

The market price of diammonium phosphate in China dropped slightly today. On the enterprise side, downstream traders already hold a certain supply of goods, and the prices of some regional holders are stable and loose within a narrow range. In terms of the market, the trading atmosphere was flat and the purchasing sentiment was average. The diammonium phosphate market continued to be deadlocked in the short term. In terms of supply, the current market arrival volume is still lagging behind in previous years, supply is tight, and market goods are tight and prices are high. In terms of demand, there is still a need for winter reserves and is slowly advancing. Downstream demand is following up and waiting. In terms of raw materials, the price of synthetic ammonia continued to rise slightly, the prices of raw materials phosphate rock and sulfur remained stable, and the prices of raw materials were adjusted within a narrow range. On the whole, upstream traders in the diammonium market currently have insufficient holdings, but downstream demand still exists. It is expected that the market price of diammonium phosphate will continue to maintain high consolidation operations in the short term.

Specific market prices in each region are as follows: