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Phosphate Fertilizer Daily Review: The market is seriously afraid of high prices and a small number of new orders were sold (September 14)

September 14, 2023, 3:30 PM

Monoammonium phosphate price index:

According to Feiduo data, on September 14, the 55% powder index of China's monoammonium phosphate was 3,107.14, down; the 55% particle index was 2820, stable; and the 58% powder index was 3,316.67, stable.



Monoammonium phosphate market analysis and forecast:

The market price of monoammonium phosphate in China dropped slightly downward today. In terms of enterprises, most companies currently continue to implement the remaining advance orders in the previous period, suspend quotations, and a small number of new orders have been completed, and the trading atmosphere is general. In terms of cost, the prices of raw materials sulfur and synthetic ammonia fell slightly, while the price of monoammonium fell simultaneously. On the demand side, there is still a downstream demand gap in autumn, but based on the influence of high prices, downstream purchases are cautious. On the whole, the cost and demand sides of monoammonium are negative. It is expected that the market price of monoammonium phosphate will fall slightly in the future. Specific attention still needs to be paid to the price trend at the cost side.

Specific market prices in each region are as follows:


Diammonium phosphate price index:

According to Feiduo data, on September 14, the 64% particle index of China's mainstream diammonium phosphate was 3774, stable; the 60% brown index was 3210, stable; and the 57% content index was 3,412.5, stable.



Diammonium phosphate market analysis and forecast:

Today, the market price of diammonium phosphate in China continues to maintain a high level. On the enterprise side, enterprises continue to mainly implement pre-received orders, suspend quotations until mid-October. In terms of cost, the prices of phosphate rock and sulfuric acid at the cost end are currently relatively stable, while the price of diammonium has stopped rising and stabilized. In terms of demand, there are still some demand gaps in the autumn, but the overall market purchasing enthusiasm is weak, and downstream traders mostly hold a wait-and-see attitude. On the whole, downstream procurement in the diammonium market is currently cautious and cost support is weakening. It is expected that the diammonium market price will remain stable and low.

Specific market prices in each region are as follows: