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Longbai Group: Analysis of technological barriers to chlorinated titanium dioxide production and competition pattern in the titanium dioxide market

August 7, 2024, 5:16 PM

The company replied: our company believes that the main technological barriers to the production of titanium dioxide by chlorination process are:

(1) the source of technology is limited.Mature and reliable chlorination titanium dioxide process technology is the main factor restricting the development of chlorination titanium dioxide industry in China. Although after decades of efforts, especially the completion and start-up of several boiling titanium dioxide plants in China in recent years, from the point of view of the enterprises planning to build large-scale boiling chlorination units, how to obtain advanced, mature and reliable titanium dioxide chlorination process technology is still the most important disturbing factor. Therefore, solving the source of technology is one of the key tasks in the development of chlorination process in China.

(2) guarantee of raw materials and treatment of three wastes.Although China is a large country of titanium resources, the resource characteristics of high calcium magnesium titanium determine that it is not suitable to be used as the raw material of titanium dioxide by chlorination process, especially as the raw material of large-scale boiling chlorination plant. At present, the boiling chlorination plant that has been built or is under construction, even if the enterprises supporting the construction of high titanium slag plant, still rely on imported low perovskite to smelt high titanium slag in order to meet the requirements of boiling chlorination. Therefore, the lack of stable supply of titanium raw materials in China has become one of the factors restricting the long-term and healthy development of the domestic chlorination titanium dioxide industry. The waste material produced in the chlorination process is much less than that in the sulfuric acid process, but its treatment is more difficult than the sulfuric acid process. If it can not be treated thoroughly, it will do more harm to the environment. Therefore, for the new chlorination titanium dioxide project, the treatment of chlorine-containing wastewater, waste liquid and chlorinated solid waste residue are key points and difficulties.

(3) the control requirement of chlorination process is high.According to the different chlorination technology, it can be divided into molten salt chlorination and boiling chlorination. At present, the large-scale industry of global molten salt chlorination technology has made some achievements, but boiling chlorination technology is still a vital choice for the guarantee of production capacity. Therefore, the key technologies of large-scale boiling chlorination, mature process control and related talent reserve are the key to the development of the industry.

(4) the investment intensity is high.The investment intensity of titanium dioxide production process by chlorination process is higher than that of titanium dioxide production process by sulfuric acid process, which requires strong financial strength for titanium dioxide production enterprises by chlorination process.

(5) the technical team requires a high level of experience.The production of titanium dioxide by chlorination process is a highly automated process, and a unified and coordinated technical team and experience accumulation are needed to achieve accurate and stable production control. Individual domestic projects have completed the construction of the production line, but the actual operation is not good, which warns us to avoid repeating the same mistake.

With regard to the current market competition pattern of titanium dioxide, our view is as follows: (1) the per capita consumption of titanium dioxide in the world is about 1kg/, and there is still a big gap between China and the developed countries; the capacity utilization rate of the global titanium dioxide plant is not high, and there is still a large room for production release. (2) the downstream application scene of titanium dioxide is constantly expanding, the demand of high-end titanium dioxide is increasing, and the chlorinated titanium dioxide with superior performance and environmental protection and low carbon will be extended to a broader market. (3) We must take the road of green and low carbon development. (4) the competition will be more and more fierce. The EU's anti-dumping duties on Chinese titanium dioxide indicate that the global competition will be more fierce, with the intensification of competition, the competition among the leading enterprises will become more obvious, and the industry is likely to be concentrated. Mergers and acquisitions in the industry may accelerate.