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May 17 soda daily review

May 17, 2023, 5:25 PM

Analysis of soda ash market

Today, China's soda ash market remains weak and downward. As of now, the price of light soda ash in South China is between 2,250 - 2,400 yuan/ton, and the price of heavy soda ash is between 2,450 - 2,550 yuan/ton; the price of light soda ash in Northeast China is between 2,350 - 2,550 yuan/ton, and the price of heavy soda ash is between 2,400 - 2,600 yuan/ton; the transaction atmosphere in the soda ash market is still light, and the market price continues to decline; It is reported that the Fengcheng salinization plant resumed construction today, and other companies are still under maintenance; downstream market demand is weak. Affected by the falling market price of soda ash, companies have remained cautious in purchasing, market procurement enthusiasm is not high, and the market supply and demand side game sentiment is obvious.


Futures dynamics

According to Boduo data, the opening price of SA2309, the main contract for soda ash, on May 17, was 1855 yuan/ton, and finally closed at 1819 yuan/ton, holding 1146757 positions.


market outlook

The soda ash market is running steadily and weakening, and some manufacturers have been undergoing maintenance. However, the soda ash market supply is still sufficient. The demand from downstream companies is average, and procurement is not active. Soda ash companies are under great pressure to ship. Some companies have reduced prices and increased their shipment efforts. It is expected that soda ash prices will continue. The main trend is downward.