Is PVC environmentally friendly?
PVC is not environmentally friendly. PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, is a commonly used plastic that is composed of polyvinyl chloride resins, plasticizers, and antioxidants, and is not inherently non-toxic. However, the added plasticizers, antioxidants, and other auxiliary materials have toxicity. The plasticizer is made of dibutyl terephthalate, dioctyl phthalate, etc., and is toxic. Lead stearate, an antioxidant, is also toxic.
PVC is the main source of dioxins. Dioxin is the most deadly substance in the dioxin family, and is a toxic compound that poses significant harm to humans and animals.
Dioxins can be generated when PVC is produced, recycled, and destroyed in incinerators, or when PVC products are accidentally burned, such as during landfills.
Recommand products from TDD:
Erdos Polyvinyl Chloride PVC resin SG-5
White Washable 1250 mesh Used for Coating and Plastic Calcined Kaolin