Lecta announces the divestiture of its Self-adhesives business unit from Torraspapel SAU, effective January 1, 2025
Lecta, a European producer and distributor of specialty papers used for labels and packaging, hereby announces the separation of its self-adhesive business unit from Torraspapel SAU.A separation is dated for January 1,2015. With the spin-off, a new company will be Grupo Lecta Self-Adhesives España, SLU, with all activities, agreements, or business relationships related to Lecta's self-adhesive business and all the associated self-adhesive products transferred to it.
This decision carries both the logicality of the strategic options for balance sheets and the glorious surprise of metamorphic selling off on behalf of the Lecta Group over the last few years that already saw its supposed separation of the distribution business in Southern Europe and eventually settled for its self-adhesive materials division. With this new structure, Lecta seeks to optimize business management and profitability through specialization, improve production efficiency, and analyze and adapt opportunities in each business unit to meet market needs and customer needs.
Lecta Self-Adhesives España, SLU will take over Torraspapel SAU's position in all agreements and commercial relationships related to its self-adhesive business unit, with a complete transfer of all assets related to this field. This change will not affect Lecta's commitment to service quality and customer satisfaction, as the new structure will significantly improve processes and product offerings.