Indonesia issues final ruling on sunset review of safeguard measures on imports of expandable polystyrene particles
The Indonesian delegation sent this safeguard notification on 25 November 2024. According to the laws of Indonesia, the Indonesian Enforcement Committee on Anti-Dumping-Safeguards has, during the investigation for the sunset review, come to an end with a final confirmation on the determination on the measure concerning imports of expanded polystyrene (EPS). The notification says added rates for the period will be as follows: 23 December 2024-22 December 2025-2,352,478 Indonesian rupees/tonne, 23 December 2025-22 December 2026-2,328,473 Indonesian rupees/tonne, and 23 December 2026-22 December 2027-2,304,468 Indonesian rupees/tonne. The ordinances will be applicable under current Indonesian law, provided that the regulations in the Tax Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance of Indonesia apply. The goods concerned get Indonesian Tax Number 3903.11.10.
Stakeholders should submit paper and electronic versions of their applications to participate in case consultations within 7 days of the announcement.
Contact information:
Directorate of World Trade Organisation Negotiations, Ministry of Trade
Address: Jl. M.I. Ridwan Rais No.5, Building 2, 9th Floor, Jakarta 10110
Tel: (62-21) 3840139
Fax: (62-21) 3840139
In line with the provisions of Regulation No. 174/PMK.010/2021 of the Republic of Indonesia, respectively, the government opened a safeguard investigation on expandable polystyrene imports on November 18, 2020, and would effect safeguard duties on the product for three years from December 24, 2021, an official gazette published by the Ministry of Finance on December 3, 2021. On July 22, 2024, based on the application of the domestic producers of Indonesia for the first sunset review of the case, the Indonesian authorities initiated the investigation.