PVC (full name Polyvinylchloride), the main component is PVC, and other components are added to enhance its heat resistance, toughness, ductility, etc. The connection methods of PVC
The connection methods of PVC pipes mainly include sealing rubber ring, bonding and flange connection. The PVC pipes cannot be connected by hot melting.
PVC (full name Polyvinylchloride), the main component is PVC, and other components are added to enhance its heat resistance, toughness, ductility, etc. The top layer of this surface facial mask is paint, the main component in the middle is PVC, and the bottom layer is back coating adhesive. It is a kind of synthetic material that is deeply loved, popular and widely used in the world today.
PVC pipe (PVC-U pipe) is made of PVC resin, stabilizer, lubricant, etc. and then extruded by hot pressing. It is the earliest plastic pipe developed and applied. PVC-U pipe has strong corrosion resistance, easy adhesion, low price and hard texture. However, due to the seepage of PVC-U monomer and additives, it is only applicable to the water supply system with the transmission temperature not exceeding 45 â.

Advantages of PVC pipe:
1. It has good tensile and compressive strength, but its flexibility is not as good as other plastic pipes.
2. Small fluid resistance: PVC-U pipe has very smooth pipe wall and small resistance to fluid. Its roughness coefficient is only 0.009. Its water delivery capacity can be 20% higher than that of cast iron pipe with the same pipe diameter and 40% higher than that of concrete pipe.
3. Excellent corrosion resistance and drug resistance: PVC-U pipes have excellent acid resistance, alkali resistance and corrosion resistance, and are not affected by moisture and soil acidity and alkalinity. No anti-corrosion treatment is required during pipeline laying.
4. Good water tightness: PVC-U pipes are installed with good water tightness no matter they are connected by adhesive or rubber ring.
5. Antibite: PVC-U tube is not a nutrient source, so it will not be eroded by rodents. According to the test conducted by the National Health Foundation of the United States in Michigan, mice will not bite on PVC-U pipes.
6. Performance test: curing time shrinkage, splitting strength, tensile strength, peeling strength, thermal stability, applicable period, storage period, release of harmful substances.
Recommand produccts from TDD:
Tianjin Dagu Chemicals PVC Resin DG-1300
Universal rutile titanium dioxide TGR-1218