Amco and Danone launch full PET bottles without labels to improve recycling
May 29, 2024, 11:58 AM
Amcor Rigid Packaging, based in Michigan, said it had teamed up with Danone, the consumer goods company, to launch 100 per cent recyclable polyethylene terephterate bottles for the Villavicencio mineral water brand in Argentina.
The PET bottle is also label-free and made from 100 percent recycled material PET, reducing its carbon footprint by 21 percent compared to previous bottles.
A 100% recyclable PET bottle from Villavicencio, Argentina. Image credit: Recycling Today.
The Villavicencio bottles can be recycled multiple times, "helping to support the circular economy," Amko said. Most of the brand's packaging is made from PET, which it calls "easy to recycle mechanically or chemically in most markets, even if the container uses a label." Amko says removing the labels offers a greater opportunity to increase production of recycled PET resins.

Switzerland-based Amkor, a global leader in the development and production of responsible packaging for food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, home and personal care and other products, said it was committed to all of its packaging being recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025.
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