- The capacity utilization rate of PVC manufacturers increased by 0.88% month on month to 71.16%, a year-on-year decrease of 4.32%; Among them, calcium carbide PVC increased by 0.67% month on month to 68.59%,
- IEA d on the consumption data, predict that the demand for oil will increase globally this and next year. OPEC said that the growth of global oil demand is expected to remain unchanged, with a daily increase of 2.5
- Polyvinyl chloride, short for PVC, It is the second largest industrial raw material in the world. There are a various of brands and types of PVC in China nationwide. Qilu, a large manufacturer in China, it’
- According to the PVC industry, there is no big difference between the application fields of ethylene PVC and calcium carbide PVC, but the production process is different.
- As opening up to the control of epidemic, this coating is popular in market! Nowadays, the government published "20 rules for epidemic prevention and control",the prevention measure not only involve taking face-mask,
- The International Energy Agency (IEA) said that oil prices may rise next year as western countries' sanctions squeeze Russia's oil supply and market demand may exceeds previous expectations.
- 据俄罗斯《专家》周刊在12月19日报道,廉价石油时代已经终结。The era of cheap oil has ended, according to a report on the website of the Russian weekly Expert on December 19.在很长一段时间内,需求将大于供应。For a long time, demand for oil will exceed supply.
- As the most widely used and most productive industrial raw material PVC in the world, it is necessary for you to understand the development history of PVC. PVC was discovered by V. Lenio in 1835. PVC was discovered twice in the 19th century, once in 1835 by Henri Victor Regnault and the other in 1872 by Eugen Baumann. In 1912, Fritz Klatte, a German, synthesized PVC and applied for a patent in Germany. PVC was industrialized in the early 1930s. Since the 1930s, for a long time, the output of PVC has been ranking first in the world plastic consumption. In the late 1960s, polyethylene replaced PVC. Although PVC plastics now rank the second, its output still accounts for more than a quarter of the total plastic output.
- Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic resin with the lowest density, which can be divided into homo polypropylene (PP-H) and co polypropylene. Among them, co polypropylene can be divided into block (impact resistant)
- According to the data, PVC spot market price grew in shock on December. the average PVC price was 6008.57 yuan/ton nationwide, and on December 28, the average price was 6125 yuan/ton. The price rose 1.94% in the month.
- In the packing and printing industry, ink is the basic material to be used. Ink also have various types, do you know about ink? ink can be divided into Plant ink, Conductive silver ink, Nano ink, Epoxy screen printing ink, Thermosetting ink.
- 2022, This year, the weaken real estate market, the high price of raw material, the repeatedly national epidemic, are the three main mountains under the coating industry. It is expected that next year, the situation will be improved, which will benefit the entire coating industry.
- Affected by the bad sales of house and epidemic, China's coating market has remained weak since 2022.This year, the weaken real estate market, the high price of raw material, the repeatedly national epidemic, are the three main mountains under the coating industry. It is expected that next year, the situation will be improved, which will benefit the entire coating industry.
- Titanium dioxide, it’s formula is tio2. Titanium dioxide is a kind of dye and pigment. Titanium dioxide is a very important raw material in industrial production. Titanium dioxide has a wide application. It is widely used in coatings, plastics, paper making, printing ink, chemical fiber, rubber, cosmetics, ceramics, enamel, electronics, food and medicine industries, among which coatings account for the largest proportion, about 60%. The titanium dioxide export in that month was 49100 tons, up 26.92% year on year and 4.38% month on month; From January to September, the total export of titanium dioxide was 424700 tons, with a year-on-year increase of 45.45%.
- The price of PVC is affected by many factors. The selling price of PVC can be determined by different specifications, different quality levels, and different applications, of course, it has lower and higher prices.